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Accurate Accounting Time Sheet
Copyright 1995 Bill (the Conductor) Liatti
ShareWare Program
IMPORTANT: Help = (F1) or (H) Com/Key (Com/Key = Command Key)
Please Note: Com/Key is also referred to as Function Key.
Summary of Main Menu Note: When the Menu is on screen eight of
the Function Keys have Reserved/Expan., written after them. These
are for future files to help manage work. Two functions (C) & (E)
are programmable to access YOUR word processor and/or YOUR utility.
A word processor is not supplied with this program, but a utility is
if you wish to use it. Note: The Utility is PUSH BUTTON DOS. You are
welcome to use it if you care to, there is no charge for it. Note: only
the UTILITY PROGRAM needs 5.0 DOS or higher.
To program (C) or (E) type (@) and follow instructions. The (E)
must be programed to use the utility supplied with Accurate Accounting
Time Sheet. Example: (c subdir u) programs the (E) Com/Key. Note:
"subdir" should be replaced with the name you used when the program was
was installed.
The following is the recommended sequence to follow to get started.
From the Main Menu use the following Com/Keys (H), (B), (L), (A). Data
must be written in (B) ,(L) and (S) only.
(1) -------------------- (B) Employees Name ---------------------
From the main menu select (B) Employee Name List, type the
names of your employees press enter, type five characters or less to
represent their job description or craft. Note: It is important that
you place the supervisors name at the top of the list of employees
they supervise, as the time sheet places a copy of the first name on
the list at the bottom right corner of the sheet as the supervisor in
charge. If you wish to select a different employee as foreman, press
Function (S) you will then be prompted for a line number, (they are
numbered 1 thru 10) type one to select a foreman then press enter.
You need not worry about saving this file when you finish it is
automatically saved. You can use Social Security for ID Number.
(2) -------------------- (L) Data Entry ----------------------
IMPORTANT: Master Charge number is five characters or less
assigned by you, for the purpose controlling man hours charged to
a project. Subordinate Charge is five characters or less. It's to
control smaller jobs within the overall project.
Here is an example. Master Charge is assigned SM100. To you
SM100 can represent all Man hour costs for all Safety Related items.
Now you assign SM101 to represent the biweekly safety meeting required
by OSHA. The next line Assign Master Charge as SM100 and Subordinate
Charge as SM102 to you it equals man hours used for new employee
orientation. example:
Master Subordinate Description
SM100 SM101 Safety Meeting Weekly
SM100 SM102 New Employee Orientation.
This method will yield the best results, when viewing in the database
file. Note: This file saves data when you exit using (X). But it is
a good practice to use the save Function when you write data. Save =
(S). Remember, if you use the ESC Key to exit all data written but
not saved will be lost. Also you MUST enter .001 Hrs. for N/S or the
time sheet will not save that line in the export file.
(3)--------------------- (A) Time Sheet ------------------------
From the main menu select
(A) Function Time Sheet
(H) Function Help.
The commands for the header area are the first thing you will want to
address. They are (L), (N), (D) and (K).
Here is a Tip, when you write location of job using the
(L) Function, type job location <--SPACE--> Shift (Days, Swing or
(D) Function Use to enter day and date.
If you are filling in Date and Day always write it in the
same format. Examples, 06-23-94 Thursday or 06-24-94 Friday.
The recommended method is to use one of two Automatic Functions.
They are Auto or Auto1. Note: Auto not auto, the A must be Capitalized
in both options. Here is the procedure, From the time Sheet and
before you press the (S) command, Step #1 Press (D) then Enter Key
type Auto if you wish todays date to be displayed or Auto1 to display
yesterdays date, Step #2 Press Enter Key, Step #3 Press (K) the Keep
command to save, Step #4 Esc or (X) to main menu, Returning to the time
sheet activates Auto or Auto1. The Time Sheet will always display the
select date in the correct format.
(N) Function, Name of Company.
(K) Function, if header is complete USE (K). It KEEPS header data.
If you write data the same each time, the View Function and Sort
Function will perform perfectly. Note: Case is NOT important.
PgDn selects the next list of Employee names, when you see the
list you want Press (S) Function Key.
(S) Function saves selected employees.
There are only two commands that are not straight forward and may
require some explaining.
(C) Choose Specific
(A) Add in a name an option under (C).
(S) Save selected names in time sheet.
The (C) function is used if you do not wish to save a list
as shown.
Example: Press (C) then select Line 1,2,5 and 8 to save. Now
select (A) to add another name to the list you are asked, (what line to
add) it to when you answer, select a line not previously selected. If you
do not the line number chosen with the (A) Function will overwrite
lines selected with the (C) Function.
(S) Function Saves name chosen and/or added.
Now you see (Command Menu Help Menu) at the bottom of screen.
(H) Function Help Now is a good time to mention that any file
that has help available will respond to the (H) Key.
(X) or (ESC) to exit all help.
If you exit help, the commands available (help bar) to assist
you in making a time sheet is displayed at the top of the screen.
Arrow up to see the commands bar at the bottom. The number at the top
left hand side of this file is the file number. There are fifty files
in the Data List. These are the files you accessed with the (L)
Function from the main menu. If you recall each file has nine
lines. Arrow down to read all nine lines.
Now PgDn the file number at the (top left) changes. When the
charge line you wish to use is on screen then press function (O).
(O) Function Hours press (O) + enter for regular hours, press
enter. If the employee worked overtime, press (O) again other wise
press enter a second time. Prompts will appear on screen type
appropriate line to write, then press enter. If you are going to
assign the same hours to more than one employee do it now. This
is accomplished most efficiently with the (A) Function.
(A) Function Automatic. Type line number and press enter.
If you are assigning the same hours to more than one employee, use
the automatic function.
(F) Function Fix an error. IMPORTANT: If you slip and use a
charge that is incorrect then (before you do anything else), Press
Function (F).
(M) Function Move a data line to a different employee.
If you wrote to an incorrect location use (M) Function to Move Line.
Remember when moving you MUST select the smaller number first.
Note: To answer a question you will ask sooner or later. Yes
you can select any one of the three lines within the blocked area